Gdzieś w okolicach 19:30 będę na koncercie, o którym marzyłam tyle lat.
Pearl Jam zagra w tym tygodniu w Filadelfii 4 razy. Pierwszy koncert odbył się już wczoraj. Z zazdrością czytam o moich ulubionych piosenkach (Hail, Hail, Nothingman, Immortality,Mankind), które bardzo bym chciała usłyszeć na żywo, ale skoro były wczoraj, to mała szansa na to, że będą dzisiaj...

Pearl Jam – Night 1 Recap
Pearl Jam’s 4 night Spectrum farewell party opened to the theme from Rocky following footage of the Flyers and Sixers clinching championships along with footage from Bruce Springsteen and the Grateful Dead.Eddie Vedder paid his own tribute to The Spectrum, acknowledging the great sound and history of the room "We were flying in yesterday. We could see a gigantic football stadium and big baseball stadium. And the other arena. The Spectrum looked just like a baby, but the history is the biggest. So, we heard that Bruce Springsteen tore the roof off this place last week. We have our work cut out for us. We ain't gonna be the clean up crew.
By Saturday at ... 2 a.m., we're going to try to play every song we know. there may be some nobody knows."
Here’s the Set ListMain Set: Corduroy, Whipping, Hail Hail, Supersonic, Dissident, Unthought Known, Faithful, Parachutes, Unemployable, Immortality, Green Disease, Not For You (+ snippet of Sleater-Kinney song), Rival, Nothingman, Ghost, Do the Evolution, Why Go
First Encore: Bee Girl, Just Breathe (with String Quartet), The End (with String Quartet), All Those Yesterdays, State of Love and Trust, Mankind, The Fixer, Go
Second Encore: Daughter, Love Reign O'er Me, Black, Leash, Rearviewmirror, Rockin in the Free World
(Source: Radio 104.5 website:
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